5 secrets to living long healthy life

Abdul Rehman Asghar
3 min readMay 31, 2022

It’s the nature of every human being to live long and look young even at later stages of life. But the million-dollar question is how to live that long?. A recent study found that the people of the Mediterranean region live more than anyone else on the planet. Their average age is approximately 82 years.

Adopting certain manners promises to give you a clean bill of health. The longevity is well and truly in your hands. Hold your horses as you are about to know the secrets of a long healthy life.

Sleep well

Dropping off to sleep early will help you add more years to your life. Make sure you do have a little nap in the afternoon. It will not only energize you but also keeps you healthy and fit. According to research sleeping 7 to 8 hours per day keeps you healthy and increases the chances of a longer life.

Eat healthy food.

The secret to living long lies in what you eat. As they say, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. According to research conducted in Poland, 30% of Polish citizens believed that eating vegetables and fruits has surprising effects on their health and fitness. Making a habit of using a balanced diet and adequate eating patterns can influence your longevity.

Stop smoking

Stay away from smoking if you want to live long, as simple as that. It’s a hard thing to do but if you can do that you have a spring in one’s step. Smoking hinders your life span. You can avoid so many lethal diseases, like cancer, by getting rid of smoking. A study conducted in the U.S shows that 34% of employers provide quit the smoking program to ensure the well-being of their employees.

Stay physically active.

Keeping your body indulging in healthy activity can increase your lifespan. Regular exercise gives you a good body shape. It helps you to maintain your fitness and kicks out laziness. Research revealed that Australia has over 6000 fitness centers, due to which they can enjoy a long healthy life. Making a habit to do regular exercise triggers the cardiorespiratory system, which ultimately helps you in the later stages of life.

Be optimistic.

Last but not the least, fine-tune yourself by having an optimistic approach rather than a pessimistic one. You should always be amongst those who see the cup half filled. Throwing negativity out of the window will let you live more. Using different relaxation techniques like yoga and pilates can help you to get rid of pressure and stress, and resultantly, your aging process will slow.

Final words

Keep in mind without commitment you’ll never start but more importantly, without consistency, you’ll never finish. Be consistent in your everyday life and everything will fall into the place. It may look like a bitter pill to swallow but I promise you by acting upon these secrets you’ll end up living a long life. After all, it’s your life and only you can make it better for yourself. Stay golden!

